Increased killing during COVID

During the COVID pandemic, the Association for Ethical Treatment of Humans and Animals “We are Part of the Solution” as well as the general public were informed about the increased abuse of animals in BiH, especially dogs and cats. We received a lot of reports and evidence about the intensified activities of hygienic services, i.e. dog catchers that took away dogs that later totally disappeared (ili that all traces about them got lost). We worked on raising public awareness on the unnecessary killing of animals and involved PETA Germany which helped us in this process by a great deal. This contributed to decreased animal abuse and official visit to Visoko Municipality and its public shelter run by animal lovers.


On the initiative of our Association, on the World Day of Abandoned Animals on April 4, 2020, a group of 17 associations for the animals and environmental protection in BiH, in consultation with the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Sarajevo, reminded the public that animals cannot be infected with the corona virus (SARS CoV 2) so the virus cannot even be transmitted from an animal to a human. We publicly called on all local institutions that ordered the killing of dogs through “humane treatment” to immediately revoke their orders, and the competent police institutions and prosecutors’ offices to document, investigate and prosecute any abuse of animals, considering that it is a criminal act of torture and killing animals in possible connection with the money laundering. In this way, we created an informal animal protection and welfare network that now counts over 25 associations.


After the letter of local animal werfare associations which was sent to governmental institutions in early April 2020, PETA Germany addressed the Prime Minister of the Federation of BiH Fadil Novalic, and Fahrudin Solak, the Chief of the Federal Staff for Civil Protection.


However, the e-mail message from the animal rights organization was deleted unread.


As a final result, some changes in public awareness were obvious and panic was generally decreased, as well as killing and abuse of innocent animals.


The only governmental institution which officially reacted to PETA’s letter and on the public call of 17 associations was the City of Visoko. Its Major Ms. Amra Babić invited and welcomed PETA representative and President of “We are Part of the Solution” to the official visit to the City government and its public shelter that was funded by the city and run by animal lovers. There were over 50 dogs in the shelter who were cared very well and really look happy. We realized this is a perfect practice and suggested the City of Visoko to be followed by other cities and municipalities in the country. 

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