coalition & networks

Since the establishment of the Association in 2017
we have been volunteering

Thanks to recommendation by a partner organization form Montenegro “Korina”, the Eurogroup for Animals recognized the importance of the work of the Association „We are Part of the Solution“ and in late 2013, it accepted us to  full membership. Eurogroup for Animals is un umbrella NGO representing 88 animal advocacy organisations in Europe and beyond. It is the leading voice for animal welfare at EU level providing a voice for the billions of animals kept in laboratories, farms and homes or living in the wild.


Since its inception in 1980, the organisation has succeeded in encouraging the EU to adopt higher legal standards for animal protection. Eurogroup for Animals reflects public opinion through its membership organisations’ affiliations across the Union, and has both the scientific and technical expertise to provide authoritative advice on issues relating to animal welfare.

Since our establishment in 2017, we have been a part of Fur Free Coalition in BiH. In 2018 in a highly uncommon procedure the Bosnian government voted for a last-minute postponement of the fur farming ban that was supposed to prohibit fur farming in 2018. The controversial amendment delayed the ban for another ten years.

Association „We are Part of the Solution“ actively participated in No Fur Coalition in BiH  which resulted in closing high number of fur farms. It participated in parliamentary activities aimed at closing animal farms.

Following decades of campaigning to end the hideous fur trade in BiH, the last remaining mink farm was finally shut its doors in 2020 thanks to EVA – Animal Rights Organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina & all involved in the Bosnian #makefurhistory campaign.

Since animals are an integral part of the ecosystem, we realize the importance of protecting it too. Therefore, our Association decided to join this great network, support and take part in its activities. Eko BiH network   gathers around 40 environmental associations from the country.

The network was launched in 2002 and at that time included electronic networking and information exchange between environmental associations and activists in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has been operating as an informal network since 2014, when the first meeting of the network was organized in Banja Luka. The goal of the network is the gathering of organizations, informal groups and individuals for joint work and action, mutual solidarity in capacity building, information exchange and support – all with the goal of protecting the environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Despite legal prohibitions, on many rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina small hydroelectric power plants have been constructed in recent decade. Unfortunately, that has caused a mass plague of a large number of fish and river animals which represents a serious crime. The Coalition for the Protection of the Rivers of BiH  was founded in June 2016 and the Association “We are Part of the Solution” joined it in October 2020 as we decided to fight together to stop this illegal practice and to bring the responsible offenders to the justice.

The Coalition was funded by civil society organizations and individuals who are nature lovers who monitor and review plans for the construction of hydroelectric power plants and advocate for the development of tourism, traditional and complementary activities that can provide more diverse jobs and achieve greater development of local communities. In addition to organizations that deal with environmental protection, of great importance in the Coalition are individuals and organizations that show how rivers can be used sustainably, with minimal impact on nature and with benefits for the local population.

The role of the Coalition is to provide support to the local population to get involved in decision-making on time and adopt a position on the construction of hydroelectric power plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Coalition, which currently gathers over 20 organizations from all over the country and the number of members is still growing.

The members of the Coalition have adopted the “Declaration on the suspension of plans for the construction of hydroelectric power plants and the ecological use of the rivers of BiH” and in the coming period they will act towards institutions, the media, investors and the public, and the focus will be given on the rivers that are currently most threatened by the plans for the construction of hydroelectric power plants and one river on which there are local guards who want to protect their rivers from this scourge.

Supports to other initiatives in the region

The alarming situation in the field of hunting as well as widespread poaching activities, which are gaining momentum even when it comes to non-hunted, protected species, require the urgent introduction of a moratorium on hunting for a period of at least five years. In this way, the NGOs requested an urgent response from the competent Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the minister himself to completely ban hunting in Montenegro as soon as possible.

We helped our friends in Montenegro to save Sinjajevina, one of the most beautiful mountain massifs in the Balkans, from the destruction that threatened it due to planned military exercises with live ammunition. Many rare animal and plant species were threatened with endangerment and exposure to the danger of destruction, but thanks to reaction of many NGOs, it was preserved in this way.

Together with several animal welfare organizations from Serbia and region, Association „We are Part of the Solution“ submitted demand for prohibition of the use of animals in reality programs. Animals that are the part of this program were brought into the state of total neglect and occasionally to death. The request was sent to respective ministries, inspections and Electronic Media Regulatory Authority in Serbia.

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